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belem duarte

Arch. Master in methodology



Architect with a Master in BIM Methodology applied to engineering. I am creative, investigative and with initiative, I think"out of the box"and continually seek to learn and grow at work within the BIM methodology. I put passion in what I do, I loveinnovation,thecollaborative work, theplanningand theinformation management.I like professional challenges; I assume them withresponsibility and leadership


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Chapter 3: Sequentiality... The Origin of Evil

The RAE tells us that the wordsequentialityComes from latinsequence 'which means continuation', from sequi 'to follow'(We already started with the Romans). The sequence is oneseries or successionof things that have a certain relation to each other, where there iscontinuity.

The characteristic that defines asequential processit is the accomplishment of a task that follows another, it is afixed operating scheme.It should also be added that sequentiality is a slow process that has the advantage that it iseasy to understand and implement.

This is the way it has been sector,with one task after another and with a"established order".Up to this point, the reader will think: “what's wrong with this?”, and actually sequentiality is very positive in many fields such as mathematics, telecommunications, etc., however,on a construction site if a task is delayed, the entire system must wait.This way of working in the sector is vitiated in itself. But before I provoke a crisis of indignation in my dear reader, I ask for the opportunity to explain myself.

Do you remember my bold assertion that since the time of the Romans we have not innovated? Well, I was referring precisely to the fact that we are currently working on asequential scheme of the Latin sequentia.Just like the Romans.

We design and make plans


We build and modify design and plans during construction. 


And circumstantially we give maintenance to the asset.

Transferring this project development to the present, the process would be as follows:


When I speak of sequentiality, I mean the way in whichthe different participants in a project take part,which was reflected in the story about the "Via Cruxis" of the client from the time the architect was hired until the work was finished and which is described in the post from 2 weeks ago.

The previous illustration shows how, thanks to the sequential scheme, each designer/contractor/subcontractor enters and leaves the project at a given time with a very low level of information exchange (or none) with respect to the other participants. Each agent in the project “does his own thing”: he generates his own information, but shares little or nothing with those who participate after him, and he in turn also receives little or no information from the other actors.

Sequentiality does not allow to see the project in its entiretyand, therefore, causes the project to become the result of individual efforts focused on the particular interest of each of the agents.Note that I do not mean that the project is now conceived from the most orthodox of communisms!Nor do I think we should abandon the“galloping capitalism”to be clear! That I already know the languages viperinas and that they will brand me as "red", "left" or, worse still, "AMLOver". The project is clearly a business, and as a business, it must generate profits.

What I am trying to say is that the fact that the different actors of the project work for their own benefit is completely legitimate and valid. However, the little commitment that exists in the interactions between the agents and in the knowledge of how the tasks of one can affect or benefit the next performer, means that this little coordination and participation as a group affects the project globally andthis is precisely what BIM tries to change.Let's look at the following image:


The previous image shows us how thanks to the workBIM(understood as innovation in processes, together with LEAN Construction and the IPD -Integrated Project Management- which I would love to tell you about in another post), understands the great challenge of involving all the participants in the project, urging them to make a change of mentality towards intensely collaborative working relationships, embracing new technologies, and new business management models using thedigitizationas medium.

In the ITeC image, the darkest areas of the arrows indicate the largest participation.intenseand the clearer areas the moments or stages in which the participation of the actors is morelight,Despite these different levels of interaction, all agents are present at all stages of the project, contributing knowledge. What the image shows us is thatBIM contributes to making decisions based on the experience of the different actors in the initial stages of the project,They help us make the necessary changes to the project, which allows us to anticipate problems that may arise during the construction phase. After all, changes are always cheaper on paper than brick.

BIMIt implies a change in the work culture in which the participants understand the need to come together with a common goal: to carry out a good project.

BIMinvites to work in an intensely collaborative way and generates self-managed teams, prioritizes value in deliveries, and fosters a learning environment.

BIMit focuses more on people and their interactions, works collaboratively (I feel like I'm repeating myself over and over again with collaborative), delivers value, and gives us the ability to respond to change rather than follow a plan.

Therefore, this is where I will allow myself to drop aBOOMMMBAAAAAto open discussion:




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Architect Master in BIM Methodology: Belem Duarte

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