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Gerencia de proyectos BIM

When starting a construction project it is important to know that this will be divided into various stages, ranging from conception, pre-construction, construction to operation and maintenance, undoubtedly the implementation of the BIM methodology will help a lot, however it usually happens that we are very used to her performing during the design stage, and yes, this is true, that is where she has a vitally important role to detect a large number of problems, promote collaborative work, and be certain, but let us not leave aside that it can have activity in other stages that also have a lot of impact, such as construction along with operation and maintenance, that is why we fully recommend that you have the support of a company or a consulting team that can manage the project. globally, developing progress control, quality audits, financial control, safety management on site, as well as risks among others. A BIM management, unlike typical construction supervisions, will seek to give value in each of the stages of the project, from concept to construction, taking the BIM methodology as an added value, providing great savings to clients. This is a service that Grupo Sohersa seeks to provide with the highest quality possible, giving investors certainty, trust and control.

Target customers:Developers, Project Management.

Services:Same BIM + coordination services

We accompany the client from the conception/idea, feasibility evaluation to the conclusion of the construction project, always supported by technology.


Control de tiempo y costos


Work Planning

Integration of the complete BIM model with the work planning program and collision detection. Time control, at this stage a timeline can be linked to the BIM model, specifically this factor can be incorporated into each activity allowing visualization of how the project will be developed, thanks to this if the project has different design alternatives it can be checked which options are more viable and which ones optimize the process the most. Likewise, verify during the execution of the project if what was planned is being fulfilled, and if not, make the necessary decisions to correct the course of the project.

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Costs Performance

The BIM model is prepared for the cost extraction of     construction in this phase includes the analysis and estimation of the project costs, in addition to its custom control that this progress or be modified. By integrating BIM detailed information on each of the component elements, it is relatively easy to generate budget reports at any time during the life of the infrastructure.


Control de estimaciones y ordenes de cambio con BIM

BIM helps streamline estimates and change orders, as generating number information is accurate and updated when there is a change during construction.

By having a correctly executed BIM model we are able to automatically generate  with computer methods, we can make your processes more efficient in an easy and simple way, making the generation of estimates no longer a headache.

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Control de avances y finanzas a contratistas

The BIM tools and methodology help keep track of time and make information management more efficient, keeping the entire team in communication at all times. Currently, through 4D and 5D simulations, we can make comparisons of planned vs. executed progress, generating lines of the required moment and visualizing it three-dimensionally, added to that it is associated with a financial model with which it is possible to keep control of the general project and subcontractors.

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Coordinación de licitaciones a partir de modelo


Plan de implementación BIM

Monitoring of the development of information through compliance with the guidelines established in the BIM Execution Plan (BEP) and project feedback for decision making. The participation of the BMO will be at the management, supervision and evaluation level, with a medium degree of control.


Coordinación BIM/Detección de interferencias en etapa de diseño


Ahorros garantizados


6-12 %

A saving of up to 12% compared to a traditional project, which even tends to have an extra cost.

Áreas de conocimiento a gestionar:

  • BIM management.

  • Interference detection management.

  • Security management.

  • Quality management.

  • Time management.

  • Cost management.

  • Risk management.

  • Scope management.

  • Waste management management.

Licencias y permisos para la construcción

Generally speaking, the difference between amajor workand oneminor workIt lies in whether the structural elements are affected or not in the aforementioned work. It should be noted that each city council has its own criteria in this regard, but we can establish the following differences as generic:

  • Minor Work: Any work with a small budget and entity, which does not entail an increase in volume in the building and does not affect the structure or the change in living conditions, such as painting, changing pavement, replacing toilets, etc.

  •  Obra Mayor: When it is a new work, if it involves an increase in volume or surface area, if it involves an expansion of the existing construction, any reform that affects the structure, among others._cc781905-5cde -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_


How much does a permit cost to build a fence?

Building a fence requires a permit from the municipal authority. The cost of the permit will depend on the domicile or property and its location, or if it is a natural or legal person.

What do you need to obtain a building permit for a house?


To process your Construction License, the following points are mainly required:

1.  Official application signed

2.  Copy of the deeds of the property

3.  Property tax payment up to date

4.  Copy of the IFE of the owner (or owners, if applicable)

5.  Power of Attorney (in case the owner is not the one who comes to carry out the procedure)

6.  Responsive letter and copy of the professional ID of the Construction Director

7.  Four current photographs of the property.

8.  Copy of background plans

9.  Complete Architectural Project, printed in 90 x 60 cm format and with official letterheads.

10. Structural calculation prepared and signed by a Civil Engineer

11.  Special requirements depending on the project that may be, among others: VoBo. of ecology, VoBo. INAH (for listed buildings) VoBo. of civil protection and/or firefighters, soil mechanics study, environmental impact study, etc.



We support you from the beginning to obtaining each of the permits and licenses you require.


From Monday to Friday from 8:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.

Saturdays from 8:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.

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Franz Liszt 5293, La Estancia, 45030. México

Los Ángeles, California. 939 S Downey Rd

Telephone: +52 56 4968 4657


© Sohersa 2024 All Rights Reserved.

Mob: (323) 647-9832

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